
Why Each Drop Counts

Prior to conception, only about one thousand out of 250 million sperm succeed in reaching the ovum, the female reproductive cell or ‘egg’. The ovum is half the size of a grain of salt and it normally allows only one sperm cell to penetrate through its plasma membrane in order become fertilized; this event is formally referred to as the ‘acrosome reaction’. This reaction is responsible for the rise and fall of our entire species and it literally began from a single drop of fluid! We can learn a great deal by studying the nature of liquids and fluids. For example, imagine fluid on a large scale – the ocean. While we understand that the ocean grows into its vast size one drop at a time, we may fail to realize that if the ocean lost even one drop of water, its volume would quantifiably be less and the ocean would be less without that one drop. The same concept applies to our human family: you are someone who adds to the ocean which makes up our human species. Indeed, without you, our ocean would be lesser in volume. It’s fascinating to imagine the importance of each life and the precision of successive events that had to occur in order for this moment to exist. With this in our minds this morning, let’s take a moment to fill our hearts with gratitude for being alive and well!

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Written by Student Doctor: Navpreet Singh Badesha ©07/10/2017 All Rights Reserved.

Art by: @qimmyshimmy on Instagram.



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