
Failing Forward

“A spiritual person knows that their enemies live on the inside”

Somewhere between not letting people’s compliments get to our head and not letting their criticism get to our heart lies a proportionate balance that can help keep us upright. The way we choose to strategically honor our personal growth and development each week depends largely on the way we choose to view our failures. Choosing to make the intention to expand our awareness every time we may “fail” at something is a rich and powerful way to honor the process of ‘failing forward.’ This process includes allowing ourselves the space to make mistakes and turning these mistakes into stepping stones that can contribute to our own success. Failing forward allows us to perceive life as a journey with many problems to solve, lessons to learn and experiences to enjoy. As we start this week, let’s make sincere intentions to take on life’s many challenges head on!

Written by Student Doctor: Navpreet Singh Badesha ©07/17/2017 All Rights Reserved.

Art Credit: @ddbparis on Instagram.


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